Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ear Infections: Otitis Media

Find the Cause of Your Child’s Ear Infection:
by Dr. Hillary Roland

Is your child suffering from inner ear infections?  You are not alone, acute otitis media is the most common condition for which antibiotics are prescribed in the US.[i]  Between 84 and 93% of children with have at least one episode by the time they are 1 year old and the average toddler will have 2-3 infections per year.

Children are at greater risk for ear infections because their Eustachian tube, which is responsible for draining the fluid from the inner ear, is shorter, narrower and more horizontal.  When inflammation from microbes or allergies causes this tube to swell the inner ear fills with fluid creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

There are well-known risk factors for developing frequent ear infections:
Spending time in daycare with 4 or more children
Exposure to tobacco smoke or pollution
Pacifier use
Underlying disease such as cleft palate and allergies
Children who are breastfed for less than 3 months

There are several things parents can do at home to help:
Contact Master Home Environmentalist[ii] for a free home evaluation and get tips on how to decrease your child’s exposure to environmental allergens.
Onion ear muffs, gently heat an onion half and hold it over your childs ears.  The volatile oils are anti-microbial and decrease inflammation while the warmth is soothing to irritated ears.
Conscious food introduction can identify food allergies that increase inflammation.
Discontinue pacifier use or only allow your child to use a pacifier that has been thoroughly disinfected.

A naturopathic doctor can help.  We can use herbs and physical medicine techniques such as cranial sacral therapy to help decrease inflammation and drain the fluid.  We can also use nutrients such as zinc, bioflavonoids and omega 3 fatty acids to improve immunity and decrease allergies or coach your family through an elimination diet to isolate problematic foods.

Peak incidence of acute otitis media is during the winter months, so this is a great time to make an appointment.  Remember that children less than 3 years old, with 3 months or longer of continuous otitis media should be evaluated for hearing loss to prevent developmental delays.
[i] Coker TR, et al.  Diagnosis, Microbial Epidemiology, and Antibiotic Treatment of Acute Otits Media in Children: A Systematic Review.  JAMA. 2010 Nov 17:304(19):2161-69.


Top Tips For 2016 ~ Salud!

  1. DIVE IN… to love. What makes your heart sing? Where is your Velveteen Rabbit? Find that love, that love you share with someone or something that can make it come alive, that feeds it effortlessly. Love that radiates into existence which was not previously present or preserved. Kisses from your honey, finger paintings from your little one, giving or receiving a gift of kindness or generosity, a new yoga pose, a cold beer, a new red dress… Love is a powerful experience which nourishes your soul. Dive in…dare to love someone, something, yourself and dare to be loved. You deserve it.
  2. YOU BE THE JUDGE….Laughter. Isn’t it more fun to be around laughter and light minds on a regular basis especially as we deal with the bumps in the road? Well, laughter really does feel good, it releases endorphins, the happy hormones, in your brain. A good belly laugh not only burns calories and strengthens abdominals but it has been clinically proven to strengthen your immune system for up to 72 hours. I recommend reading Anatomy of an Illness by Norman Cousins for inspiration and the healing power of laughter.
  3. SURROUND SOUND… Live your life. Acknowledge and accept that you have the power to make choices in how you live your life, how you act and react to situations; you have the ability to change your mind, and do it differently from time to time. If you keep repeating the same thing over and over, why would you expect a different outcome? Surround yourself with people that support who you are. This year make an effort to accept it, allow it, change it or drop it. When I say drop it, I mean DROP IT…Drop it like you mean it!
  4. GET NODDY…ZZZ. So many people today are fatigued and dragging. Are you getting enough sleep? Eight hours a night may not be realistic in your lifestyle, but naps are a great way to restore and rejuvenate the day. Sleep increases energy, maintains focus, accelerates weight loss, rejuvenates adrenals; it is one of our most fundamental tools in the spectrum of health. Get as many hours of sleep before midnight as possible for optimal Zzz’s. Sleep issues often point towards some aspect in your life that needs to be addressed. So, wake up about sleep!
  5. FEED THE BUDDHA….yum. Don’t wait until you get sick to treat your body as a temple. Food is our first line of defense as medicine. In the wise words of Michael Pollan, “Eat food, mostly plants, not too much.” This is a good notion to live by to best support your body with the fuel it needs for energy, health, proper weight and planetary support.  I strongly believe, you are what you eat, so make good choices, healthy choices, and enjoy the wonderful deliciousness of food. I like the 80/20 rule…80% of the time eat well to support your health and 20% of the time eat what you like.
  6. TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT….slurp. Every cell in your body, cellular existence, meaning your existence, relies heavily on water.  Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Aim for clear colored urine. Match one for one by adding an additional glass of water for each vice (coffee, sweets, alcohol) of the day. If you feel thirsty and dehydrated regardless of water intake, add a pinch of sea salt and squeeze of lemon or lime to your water each day to increase absorption. If you are feeling tired, anxious, hungry, are prone to constipation or headaches…drink a glass of water. I think you will be surprised at the results. Where there is water, there is life.
  7. MOVE IT or lose it…Well maybe that’s the point. Exercise should be incorporated into your daily life.  Exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes a day five times a week. Go on a walk, join a team, take the stairs. If you are able, be willing. It can impact your life in incredible ways. It will help you make the changes you want in your life. It will unstick stuck. Exercise boosts mood, lowers cholesterol and helps you maintain proper weight.
  8. BE WELL…Are you sick of it all? Create Health! Have on hand an immune booster that works for you. You can up the dose during times of stress, holidays, travel and changes in season when it is common for colds and the flu to pop up. Good quality immune support and antimicrobials can include Allicin, Astra8, Elderberry, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Mushrooms, Oil of Oregano, Triphala, and good ole Vitamin C.
  9. DON’T GET BURNED…ingest the sunlight. Vitamin D can be a good immune booster if needed and many of us need it. Whether you live in sunny Colorado or soggy Seattle you may need Vitamin D. The angle the sun hits the earth makes it impossible for us to even absorb the amount of Vitamin D we need all year round. Proper daily use of sunscreen and screening clothing also significantly reduces your exposure to this essential vitamin. Get your Vitamin D levels checked in the New Year and start supplementing as needed.
  10. STOP THE MADDNESS…lessen inflammation. Allergies and Intolerances are extremely common these days. A minor food sensitivity or a full blown allergic reaction strongly impacts your immune status and commonly manifests with: skin reaction, fatigue, asthma, mood imbalance, attention deficit and foggy headedness. Address allergies and intolerances with food elimination or blood allergy testing. Make 2016 clear and bright on the inside and out.
  11. BELIEVE! ….and let it be. Number eleven is good luck in the New Year. Believe in something positive; it may be an organized religion or the mystical magic in a good game of basketball.  A transcendent belief keeps you connected and supported to a “larger” aspect of life. You don’t necessarily have to define it or even know what it is, but believe.  Like a shimmering jewel hold it in your minds eye, see it and feel it *

HAPPY HOLIDAYS & NEW YEAR 2016!! See you in the Spring!
~ Dr.M