Tuesday, September 13, 2016


This disease is caused by the Coxsackievirus. These viruses are usually transmitted via the oral-oral or fecal-oral route and are highly contagious.

The symptoms include ulcerative oral lesions and extremely painful cutaneous lesions on the hands and feet.  Occasionally these lesions are asymptomatic. The child will often refuse to eat because of the pain in the mouth. The rash may persist for months but, generally, there are others in the family or daycare with similar symptoms.  Parents usually only exhibit the rash on their hands.

A prodrome is present with this condition and usually occurs 12 hours to one day prior to the rash.  Symptoms include: low grade fever, malaise, abdominal pain, respiratory symptoms and sore throat.  The condition would need to be differentiated from Herpes simplex, Aphthous stomatitis, Herpangina and Erythema multiforme major, but its classic pattern generally aids in the final diagnosis.

In managing this disease, it is best to start viral, immune and pain support as soon as possible Herbs that may be useful are:  Glycyrrhiza glabra, Melissa officinalis, Echinacea angustifolia, Usnea, Astragalus membraneou and, Allium sativa (Garlic)Start immune supporting vitamins such as: Vitamin C, Zinc and Bioflavonoids.  For the pain, herbal popsicles can be given to sooth mouth blisters, with chamomile, licorice and melissa. Herbal foot/hand soaks to dry up blisters and heal skin will also be beneficial. Topical dyclonine HCl or lidocaine gel could be considered to help reduce oral discomfort so that the child can eat.
  • Stay HYDRATED.
  • Do not give children asprin.
  • Infectious until blisters are gone.  Limit contact with others.  Children should be excused from school until blisters are dry.
  • Good hygiene is the best protection: wash hands with soap and water after going to the toilet, before eating, after wiping noses, and after changing nappies or soiled clothing.
  • Avoid Sugars

Care should be taken in exposure to pregnant mothers because infection in first trimester of pregnancy may trigger a spontaneous abortion.

Naturopathic Womens Wellness
1295 Yellow Pine Ave. Boulder CO 80304
P: 303-545-2021  |  F: 303-545-2003
 |  Dr. Hillary Martin |  


  1. Moses, S., MD. Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. Family Practice Notebook. Retrieved 5/2/04 from the World Wide Web: http://fpnotebook.com.
  2. Roberts, S.M., ND. Naturopathic Pediatric Essentials. Wenatchee, WA. Healing Mountain Publishing, Inc.
  3. Toida M, Watanabe F, Goto K, Shibata T. Usefulness of low-level laser for control of painful stomatitis in patients with hand-foot-and-mouth disease. J Clin Laser Med Surg. 2003 Dec;21(6):363-7.
  4. Frydenberg A, Starr M. Hand, foot and mouth disease. Aust Fam Physician. 2003 Aug;32(8):594-5.

Back to School Health Tips

The days are getting shorter, the fall equinox is just around the corner and kids all over the bay area are headed back to school.   Here are some tips to ensure the transition back into the school year goes well!

Get Adequate Sleep
Summertime sleep patterns can be luxurious and hard to break.  Ensure that your children start heading to bed earlier so they can get adequate sleep before the school day.   To determine the appropriate bedtime, consider the when your child needs to wake up and the amount of sleep they need for their age:
Age 5-12: 10-12 hours per day
Age 13-18: 8-9 hours per day.
Getting adequate sleep will ensure that your child performs to his or her full potential, athletically, intellectually and socially.

Eat a Well Balanced Diet
Kids should eat three well-balanced meals per day and have a couple of nutritious snacks in between.  Meals should include protein, whole grains and fruits and vegetables.  Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables ensure that kids are getting all the nutrients they need for optimal brain function.

Skip the sugar.  Meals and snacks with high sugar content can disrupt concentration.  Sugar also feeds bacteria and viruses while dampening the immune system, making your child more vulnerable to getting sick.

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!   Make sure that there is plenty of protein at this meal; this will ensure they have adequate blood sugar to get them through the school day.  Adequate blood sugar levels help improve concentration, focus and energy.  

Move Your Body
Regular activity and exercise help keep kids healthy.  Exercise releases endorphins that help kids feel good in their bodies.  Regular exercise also stimulates circulation throughout the body and brain, which improves memory and intellectual performance.  Exercise will also help enhance immune function to ward of viruses and bacteria.  Children mimic their parents, so be a good role model and exercise with your children.  Go out for walks or bike rides, and spend some family time being active together.

Limit Screen Time
Spending time in front of screens kills creativity and encourages sedentary behavior.  Excessive screen time can also lead to inattention and focus problems.  Children should spend no more than 1 hour in front of a screen per day.  This includes: TV, smart phones, Ipads, computers, and video games.

Save Their Backs
Many children carry way too much in their backpacks.  An increasing number of children are showing up in emergency rooms with back pain.  Make sure your child has a backpack that is an appropriate size for them with two padded shoulder straps and a hip belt so that weight is evenly distributed.  Use all of the compartments to organize the contents of the backpack and pack the heaviest items closest to the center of the back.  Children should carry no more than 15-20% of their body weight.

Support Good Study Habits

Work out a schedule that allows ample time to complete assignments and includes study breaks.  Put up a wall calendar that lists assignments and has checklists that help children stay on top of their workload.  Create an environment that is conducive to doing homework by giving them a workspace that is free of distractions.  Establish a rule that TVs and telephones stay off during homework time.  Supervise computer and Internet use so that time is focused on completing assignments and not distracted by Facebook or YouTube.  Be available to answer questions and offer assistance but do not do the work for them.

Naturopathic Womens Wellness
1295 Yellow Pine Ave. Boulder CO 80304
P: 303-545-2021  |  F: 303-545-2003
 |  Dr. Hillary Roland |