Start with the Basics:
What is the Architecture of Your Health?
Build a rock solid foundation from the bottom up, educate yourself and ask questions, use the best pieces and parts you can access, and treat your WHOLE self: MIND & BODY. Find a doctor you trust and who will guide you through this process.
If you have the time and luck to plan your pregnancy then it is a perfect opportunity to really practice PRE-Conception, tackle your health BEFORE you get pregnant. Start your prenatals NOW, address any health concerns you have and get them under control. Decrease any inflammation in the body especially that associated with conditions like Hashimotos, Diabetes, hormone imbalances like PCOS, stress related anxiety or depression as well as inflammation induced by exogenous sources like caffeine, alcohol, and food allergies. Start a detox with your partner a full month or two before making any attempts at pregnancy. Detoxification can prime the body for conception but the process releases toxins into the bloodstream for excretion, not for baby. This is NOT recommend in pregnancy so it must be guided and done before hand. Have your doctor plan a focused time frame for detox so you don't run the risk of exposing your newly developing baby to toxins in the blood. Pregnancy is an inflammatory process so decreasing all inflammation is a key concept to keep in mind to get pregnant and stay pregnant full term.
Remember: You are only 50% of the equation be sure your honey is having wellness checkups and addressing any health concerns that may be affecting his libido, sperm count or motility.
Get in shape. Lose those extra pounds. Excess hormones especially estrogen are stored in fat cells so any hormone imbalances that may be effecting you getting and staying pregnant can be better regulated by losing weight and getting fit. Pregnancy is a ten month process. Some months are better than others and every pregnancy is different but in the end you will approach birth and whether you do it at home naturally, in a hospital or birth center with an epidural it is a PROCESS, they dont call it labor for nothing! Get in shape now. Pregnancy is a great time in your life to get in shape and stay in shape so you can be prepared to endure labor and recover more quickly. The best way to get your body back after pregnancy, prevent prolapse, minimize postpartum depression and enjoy your baby is to feel strong mentally and physically. Daddys too…many men gain 10-30# in pregnancy as sympathy weight so start now and you can work as a team to make exercise and eating well a priority. It helps with metabolism as well as making better food choices over the long haul. If you are planning a pregnancy later in your life this is also really helpful to start an exercise routine now and make it a permanent lifestyle choice so you can age gracefully and chase after your little one with ease.
Homeopathy is a modality I use along with laying down the fundamentals of health in fertility. It is safe, effective and cheap! I love using it one to four months prior to conception to help prime the body to get pregnant and stay pregnant. Homeopathy can help clear layers of physical imbalances as well as mental & emotional that may be associated with your pregnancy or medical history associated with pregnancies. I use an approach to support the four phases of the menstrual cycle with weekly homeopathics addressing the relationship of the hypothalamus to the ovaries, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase. I also incorporate foods that balance the relationship of the follicular phase(estrogen dominant) to the luteal phase(progesterone dominant). The next level is to clear away old layers that may be getting in the way, actual physical layers like scar tissue, use of birth control/toxins/medications, PCOS, abnormal PAPs/HPV, endometriosis or fibroids as well as emotional scar tissue that may be attached to previous pregnancies, miscarriages, abuse, and grief.
- Other remedies include supporting ovulation, cervical changes and mucus production, healthy vaginal pH, treating candida as well as optimizing sperm count and sperm motility in men.
- Diet and supplements recommendations have huge effects for both men and women in optimizing fertility. For men we want to have good sperm count and movement with proper fluids, foods herbs and homeopathics to support liver detox and arterial flow as well as increases sexual stamina, treat impotence, and poor seminal emissions.
- Prenatal vitamins and a high quality Mens multi are great starting points but also to consider are B6/B12, Folic Acid (at minimum 800mcg for women), Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Vit D, Omega 3 Fatty Acids and probiotics.
- A Clean and lean diet while addressing any associated food allergies is included in the initial architecture of your health.
- READ THIS BOOK: Take Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler
- Start tracking your cycle, basal body temperature(BBT) and ovulation.
- Eliminate caffeine, drugs, alcohol and smoking
- Schedule a wellness appointment for you and your partner to start down this road and treat any underlying health concerns that may be getting in the way of your fertility.